Community News
Probus Yamba
Our meeting last month was chaired by Bev Mansfield (Vice President) as President Kevin was on holiday. There were 29 members present and 7 apologies.
We are very lucky in this area to have a variety of very talented people to draw on as ‘monthly speakers’. Last month we were lucky enough to have Rod Gardiner (taxidermist) as our speaker. Rod outlined how he got interested in the art and what is involved in preserving an animal, Rod specialises in fish and had a wonderful specimen to show the gathering and also explain how it’s done. Our guest speaker for July is Mario Napoli from the NRMA in Lismore who is to tell us about the NRMA’S Combined Driver & Pedestrian Program.
Our book exchange table continues to be very popular so please continue to bring in those books you no longer need and exchange.
The ‘Scrabble ‘ group continues to meet every second week and we all really enjoy not only the ‘Scrabble’ but also the socialising.
On Monday 20th June a small group of members enjoyed a very sociable lunch at the Brushgrove Hotel, the weather was perfect and the company great so sorry those who didn’t make it, you missed a very pleasant outing.
The social event for July is to be a visit to Lawrence Museum where we will also have morning tea, after which we will continue on to The Bell Collection, which I’ve been assured by those who have previously been there as very interesting and worth a visit. These outings will finish at approximately 1pm so that leaves the afternoon free to continue to the Lawrence Tavern for lunch and relaxation. I do hope as many as possible will attend.
The next meeting will be held at the Yamba Bowling Club on Monday 4th July, commencing at 10am. We welcome visitors and prospective members to join us.
Jan Mathews