
Probus Yamba – ‘We Want You’


The Probus Club of Yamba is a club nearing crisis!

Many other clubs in the Clarence Valley are also in this situation.

Our membership has come down as our ages have gone up.

New members are needed, wanted and will be welcomed enthusiastically. We are a friendly welcoming club and appreciate all that a new member can offer with their experiences and ideas as well as their help to keep the club operational.

Probus has a slogan ’fun, friendship and frivolity’, which we try to put into practice not only at meetings but with outings to local venues, restaurants etc. Probus is a club run entirely for its members with NO fundraising, NO compulsory work details etc.- it may sound selfish, but most members also belong to other clubs where they give unselfishly to others. So, rest, relaxation and enjoyment are the order of the day for Probians.

Anyone who is either retired, semi-retired or just has a few spare hours to fill, come and join us.

Attend a meeting (or two) with no expectation from the club that you must join. We invite new people to visit to see what we’re about and we realise that several visits may be required to become comfortable enough to join.

Our meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at the Yamba Bowling and Recreation Club, Wooli Street Yamba.

Come and try us out!

Jan Mathews