The Iluka Veterans Golf Club is proud to sponsor the Annual Presidents Vs Captains – ‘brothers in arms’ golf day on Tuesday June 18.
The Iluka Vets are brothers in arms with the Iluka Golf Club, which needs your assistance and help to put together a great field for our Gala Golf Day with ALL proceeds going directly to the Iluka Golf Club.
All small sporting clubs Australia wide are facing daunting fiscal challenges to just keep going; so the Iluka Vets are happy to announce a huge day and invite you to join the fun and help our club.
- $400 worth of top quality prizes
- 10:30am Shotgun Start
- Single Stableford with 4BBB Card Draw
- Morning tea – scones with jam and cream
- Lunch – sausage sizzle and salad
- Seafood raffle
- Nearest the Pins
- Novelty prizes including 3rd shot on selected par fours
- All handicap players welcome
- Ladies welcome
- All visitors welcome
- Request winners to be present
- $20 per head gets you morning tea, lunch and golf
For a fantastic fun day of golf secure your entry now by phoning Iluka Golf Club on 6646 5262.
Bob Wissink