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Planning panel recommends approval of Maclean supermarket

The Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRRP) has recommended the conditional approval of the long-awaited and often controversial development of a supermarket in Cameron Park, Maclean. The panel will hold a public determination meeting at the Maclean council chambers at 3.30pm on Wednesday November 18. People who wish to address the panel at the meeting must register with the regional secretariat before the meeting – for more information call 9228 2060 or email to Forty submissions objecting to the construction of the $5.5million IGA supermarket, associated parking and liquor outlet were lodged with the panel during the proposal’s exhibition. Issues raised in submissions included the development’s location in a heritage conservation area. The JRRP report notes that “the impact of building design is also considered important, to maintain and revitalise the ‘story of the town’s growth’. The supermarket is … not adjacent to any heritage items, and nor is it within the main character area. “For that reason, the contemporary design proposed is considered acceptable in this instance.” On the building’s height (9.9 metres, which is above the 9 metre maximum), the report notes that “the majority on the building will not exceed 7.8 metres in height” and that, due to flood planning requirements, the building’s floor level (situated on built-up ground) is “some 1.3metres above natural ground level”. “It is agreed that there is no impact on amenity of the immediate neighbourhood in terms of visual impact [nor] disruption to views; loss of privacy or loss of solar access.” On parking, which includes 100 spaces at the supermarket and 71 in a car park on Argyle Street, the report notes that “while council will be responsible for final construction of the Argyle Street parking area [paid for by the applicant within the land sale deal struck with the council], it is possible that the developer will need to undertake construction to provide public parking while the supermarket is being built. “The provision of that parking will be addressed, and the location finalised when the Construction Management Plan is provided to Council for approval.” A construction management plan “must detail how construction traffic and parking will be controlled, and how parking will still be available for the wider community during that time”, the JRRP report states. On the Argyle St car park being “too far away from the supermarket, particularly for the elderly having to cross Argyle St”, the report states: “It is anticipated that the Argyle St car park will be used for staff parking and as an overflow area.” Submissions objecting to how traffic would be controlled were specifically addressed by replacing a proposed roundabout at the entrance to the Argyle Street car park “with a controlled 4-way intersection”, and a condition that “the frequency of heavy vehicle movement should be limited to avoid peak business hours”. Further, the report states: “The site is zoned for business use, and although there is an interface with residential zones, the site can accommodate the use (and traffic movements) proposed. “Engineering conditions will be imposed for any road pavement upgrades necessary, and to ensure Australian standards are met. “The applicant submitted a traffic study for the area and the findings of that study will be implemented.” Objections to the proposed 10pm closing time have been addressed by recommending that the supermarket “close operations at 9pm weekdays and 8pm on weekends”, in concurrence with other nearby supermarkets. The full report, including submissions, can be accessed on the council’s website via the ‘agendas and meetings’ quick link. The report will be tabled at next week’s council meeting in Grafton on Tuesday. The council officer recommends that the “report to the Joint Regional Planning Panel for the determination of DA2015/0037 – supermarket, liquor outlet and associated car parking be noted”.