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Parliamentary inquiry into shark threat
The Legislative Assembly Committee on Investment, Industry and Regional Development has commenced an inquiry into the management of sharks in NSW waters.
“In recent months we have seen a number of shark attacks in NSW,” the committee’s chair, Kevin Anderson MP, said.
“This inquiry has been set up to examine if these events have impacted winter tourism in these locations and how the NSW Government can support these communities.”
Mr Anderson said that the committee’s inquiry will examine any changes in shark numbers or habitat.
“This inquiry will investigate what is happening with shark populations in NSW waters, and what the government is doing to protect and educate beach-goers,” Mr Anderson said.
“The inquiry will complement the NSW Government’s investigation into emerging shark deterrent technologies.”
The committee is calling for public submissions on the management of sharks in NSW waters.
“We are keen to hear from people and communities who are affected by this issue,” Mr Anderson said.
“We need to learn more about the behaviour of sharks and also the impact of shark sightings and attacks on businesses and communities.”
The closing date for submissions to the inquiry is Friday, 23 October 2015.
Further information about the inquiry can be obtained by visiting the Committee’s website at: