
Palm Lake Social Golf

The following are the results from Palm Lake Social Golf Club for Tuesday, June 14. Well after a non-start last Tuesday following our big rain event and the Yamba Golf Course being too wet to play, it was with a little trepidation with rain clouds still looking threatening that only 13 of our golfer were brave enough to contest our monthly medal Stroke event for the month of June. Fortunately the rain did hold off for most of the round but I did notice some umbrellas out coming up the 18th fairway. The winner for the day and therefore the winner of the monthly medal was Richard Ardin with a net of 34. Second was Gordon McHugh with a net score of 34.5. Third place went to Terry Wilson with a net score of 35.5 and finally the 4th place went to Andrew Shelly (welcome back Andrew) with a net score of 36. Congratulations to all those golfers with the winner going into a playoff against all other monthly medal winners at the end of the year. NTPs: A Grade – 12th hole was Kevin Moran winning the (Yamba Golf Club Pro Shop) prize; B Grade – 12th hole was Alac Miltiadou winning the (Yamba Barber Shop) prize. For the NTP on the 17th hole the winners were A Grade – Terry Wilson winning the (Bean Scene) prize with B Grade – Richard Ardin Winning the (Sassafras) prize. Congratulations to all those winners and a big thank you to our sponsors for their continued support. Although numbers were down it was a very enjoyable morning of golf. An invitation is extended to all who would like to join us every Tuesday morning at 7.15 for a 7.30am start you will be made very welcome. Tony Turne