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Palm Lake Golf
Last week saw the return of the “Lakers” to Yamba Golf Course, after the silly season and the course was in excellent condition despite the heavy traffic over the last month.
With many of our players away visiting family etc there were 14 players testing their skills in the 9 hole Stableford event and our new Club captain Andy Duke-Yonge took the honours in A Grade with 21 points. Second was Kevin Moran with 20 and third Terry Wilson with 19.
In B Grade Chris Sharp won with 21 points, from Ken Lillie and Alec Miltiadou both on 19.
The NTPs on the 12th went to Steve Dorrell (Yamba Barber Shop) and Peter Jarman (Yamba Pro Shop), while on the 17th Terry Wilson won the Sassafras voucher and Ken Taylor the Bean Scene voucher.
It was great to welcome a new player Bevan Wilson to the group, as he has recently taken up residence at Palm Lake.
Anyone wanting a pleasant 9 holes of golf on a Tuesday morning simply beat the course ready to tee off by 7.30am and we’ll arrange to fit you in to a group.
Peter Jarman