Community News
Pacific Valley Christian School
I hope that your children have been coming home and talking with you about their time at school during the last two weeks. There have certainly been some exciting extra-curricular activities occurring to enhance and support their interest in, and love of, learning.
Our Science week culminated in a fantastic afternoon of robotics with lots of remote controlled creations on display. This was followed by reading, reading and more reading of wonderful books and stories across the school.
The parade last Friday morning was a definite highlight with an amazing array of spectacular costumes of favourite book characters on display.
We have also had several sporting teams out representing the school with 12 senior school students travelling down to Sydney for State Athletics and both junior and senior students attending a Gala day of AFL and Ultimate Frisbee on Wednesday of last week. We also had our Stage 5 and 6 drama students attend an outstanding performance by CIRCA in Lismore.
I would like to thank the staff and parents who committed additional time and effort to enable these excursions to run so smoothly and provide such great experiences for our students.
During last week we have received the final certificate from the NSW Minister for Education for Valley Hope School. This means that in the coming weeks we will be able to complete formal enrolments of students to commence in 2017.
There will also be an information evening held on Tuesday the 18th of October commencing at 6:30pm for interested families to come and find out what the Valley Hope School will look like and how it will operate. Families can also contact the school office for additional information.
Our Stage 4 and our Stage 5 students continue to have assessment tasks that are due across the rest of this term. If your children are finding these challenging, please encourage them to speak with their teachers and attend the lunch time computer room tutorial sessions to get extra assistance. Please also continue to pray for our HSC students as they complete their trial exams and then prepare for their final exams next term.
We have a number of important events occurring during the coming weeks. On Thursday the 8th we have Dr Boyce visiting the school, then on Friday the 9th our junior school students are participating in the local area Primary Touch Football competition.
There is a School Open day on Wednesday the 14th followed by Year 7 Orientation on Thursday the 15th of September. Both of these days are great opportunities for interested families to come and have a tour of the school and ask about the educational options that we are providing. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please do not hesitate to contact the office.