Community News

Osprey RSL Day Club – where’re back

Coo-ee. Attention all members, our return date is almost here.

“At long last” I hear you say, but the lengthy break is designed to make you appreciate how wonderful our Club really is and how lucky we are to have such a great venue, funny friends, good food and super volunteers to attend your every whim. We do actually miss you all during leave time.

Friday February 7 is the big day.

Now I think the best plan is that you only notify Judy IF YOU ARE NOT ATTENDING on the first day back. The bus will pick you up and drop you off as usual. Judy’s phone number is 0458 780 531.

I just want to provide a little insight for new people who have moved to the area and are looking for a suitable, sociable seniors group that will provide them with four hours of fun, facts, food, friendship, and free travel to and from the Yamba Bowling Club every Friday.

RSL Day Clubs began as an initiative of Returned Services Leagues Club to assist returned service men and women to assimilate gently back into normal life after the war. We still operate on almost the same program they introduced all those years ago because it is successful. We begin the morning with coffee and cake, lots of chatter, and then 10 minutes of very gentle exercises to keep our bodies moving. After that we play Bingo for half an hour for sensible prizes to stock the pantry. Bingo is followed by a thought-provoking general knowledge quiz, with cryptic clues applied to the last few questions. That takes us to lunch time at 12pm, provided and served by the club at our tables. Then after lunch you can play whatever game you choose, be it Rummikub, cards, crib, scrabble, Liar Dice! We also have 4 raffle draws each week where you can win a free day pass valued at $20, wine, sweets and a hamper. Now tell me that is not great value for $20.

If, after reading that, you would like to come along experience for yourself what our club has to offer simply call Judy on 0458 780 531 and she will organise everything required.

Rest assured that we pride ourselves in the fact that our Osprey Club in Yamba has been operating now for some 24 years, and we now boast a membership of 63 lively larrikins, all of whom will make you more than welcome. You do not have to be a member of the RSL, and both men and women attend. Most of the boys are on what I call the “Table of Knowledge”, and the more fellah’s the better, but of course they mingle to play cards etc after lunch.

Happy New Year everyone, and I am really looking forward to seeing you all soon.

That’s all folks.

Sue Gunning