Heartfelt congratulations must go out to Leanne our fearless co-ordinator, and her devoted husband Paul who just quietly makes things happen in the background. On Friday we celebrated Osprey’s 20th Birthday. What an outstanding achievement for an RSL Day Club, but even more so, because we are a small club, and reliant on volunteers who share the dream of caring and sharing in all things. Each volunteer brings their special “something” to the group, which is what makes our Club quite unique. It is a family.
It was truly a fun day in every way imaginable. And just like any birthday party we wore our party clothes, we played fun games, wore party hats with secret ‘X’s’ concealed in them to win a prize; we had helium balloons (and the party poopers wouldn’t let me inhale to make a squeaky voice); we had guessing competitions, and presents too…. but best of all we had birthday cake.
The honour of cutting that birthday cake was given to Joe Hewitt and Beryl Wadleton both of whom have served Osprey for 20 years. That is right… 20-years-service. A remarkable achievement by any standards, and they have done it year after year lovingly. They were presented with 20-year badges and a plaque. All our volunteers were thanked for their contributions and given Certificates of Appreciation, and badges presented for 1 and 5 years of service.
It is not only the members and volunteers that make our Club run like clockwork. We thank the Yamba Bowling Club for allowing us to use their facilities. They have gone above and beyond to allow us to continue running the club during COVID with all its complications. We must continue to comply. Thank you, Phil for your understanding and compassion. You will probably never know just how much Osprey means to our members, and they do sincerely thank you for accommodating us each week. A big thank you too to Craig who has pandered to our palates and made certain that every meal has been a delight. We were sorry to learn that you are retiring shortly. Please know that we have appreciated your efforts in every way and that we will miss your cheery face about the place, and that we wish you joy in whatever it is you intend. Thank you.
I guess we are now well and truly on the count down until our Christmas party on December 11. There is so much to do and so little time that I feel a wee pang of panic creeping in. Those elves will just have to step it up a notch.
Sue Gunning