Community News

Osprey RSL Day Club

I have been in two minds as to whether I should write an epistle this week as there isn’t really a lot I can say that is going to buck you up. But then whilst I was on a very long walk with my dog Pepe, I decided that just perhaps some of you may appreciate a chat.

My walk took me all the way up to Shores Drive where there is a delightful picnic area. The tide was extremely low and sand bars were visible everywhere. Children fished, paddled, and played on a huge rubber tyre swing hanging from the paperbark tree. There were several people walking their dogs too, which always makes it difficult for me as Pepe (an apricot poodle) is not only a rescue dog and anti-social, but also thinks he is an Alsatian. So, I have to pick him up until the threat has passed. I hope you are all getting a walk-in every single day. It is so invigorating. I like early morning walks at this time of year; it sets me up for the day.

Whilst at Shores Drive, I saw Lyn and Chris sitting in their car enjoying the view. Lyn is really missing Osprey and can’t wait until we return to normal. So that brings me to this, I am no closer to having an answer for you all with regards to when we can start back. What I can tell you is that we will advise you the minute we know.

In the meantime, stay safe, stay positive, and do feel free to ring me, or any of the volunteers if you just need a chat. You all should have a list of our numbers. Ten minutes on the phone can be a wondrous thing and make a big difference to a long day in lockdown.

That’s all folks.

Sue Gunning