It was another fun Friday at Osprey last week as we laughed our way through the program. There is no doubt laughter is the best medicine; next to great company and delectable food of course. Please continue to bring in your jokes; they are so much fun.
It was so good to see Sean return and slip so comfortably into the “men’s” table. What an interesting lot they are too as they discuss who’s who and what’s what. David was amazed to learn that in years gone by he was actually Sean’s barber in Armidale. Oh what a small world it is. So any guys out there seeking company…oops…should I be rephrasing that perhaps? In this politically correct world I just have to be so careful; so if you are looking for a bit of action, good friends, entertainment and useful information, please join us in the River Boat Room at the Bowling Club. Got it?
We still have a couple on the sick list and we wish them well; also a few travellers who should be back soon, both refreshed and full of exciting travel tales to share.
We were very lucky not to lose one of our volunteers this week when she had a run in with her vacuum cleaner. Safe to say it is not wise to wear pretty scarves when one is vaccing! I don’t think I was supposed to laugh as she related the incident to me, but my sense of humour being as it is, let me down. I just envisaged poor Pat sucked up by the vac with nothing but her feet protruding. She was able to retrieve her scarf from the bag eventually. Thank heaven it had not been tied in a double knot. So the moral of the story is do not wear scarves when vacuuming and wear your Vital call tucked in your shirt!
Col won the lucky door prize and sensibly chose the wine, and then proceeded to draw out my ticket for the $20 voucher, and then I drew out Heather D for the other $20 voucher.
In closing please let me encourage members to entice their friends to join us. We just have so much to offer the community and we want to share it with everyone. Pick up that phone and ring Leanne on 0413 101 518. It just might be the best thing you have ever done.
Sue Gunning