Community News

OSPREY… on your marks, get set, go

Osprey returns this week, Friday February 7, arrival time is 9,30am and departure time is 1.30pm.

If you are coming but know that you will be late and require lunch, we need you to advise Bev on 0428 117 959 prior to 10am as that is the time we hand the catering numbers to the kitchen staff.

The bus will do its normal run to collect those people who have opted to travel by bus. If you do not require pick up, please advise Judy on 0458 780 531. Similarly, if you now require the bus, ring Judy and she will organise the details. Yes, you can bring your wheely walker on the bus if required, and Judy will also assist you with that manoeuvre. See. We think of everything.

Now, for any new people (male and female) wishing to attend Osprey, which is held in the auditorium of  the Yamba Bowling Club, just turn up at 9.30am. Proceed to the auditorium and make yourself known to Bev at the desk, and she will call a lovely volunteer who will make you most welcome, settle you in and show you the ropes. I know a first day of anything can be daunting, don’t let it be. Joining Osprey is a wonderful experience and joining at the beginning of the year when there is general chaos, is probably a really good idea. Should you require any further details about joining Osprey please ring Bev on 0428 117 959.

A thought for today:

The mind is everything. What you think, you become. Buddha.

I am so looking forward to seeing you all on Friday and catching up with all your news, a little gossip and a joke or two.

That’s all folks.

Sue Gunning