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Op Shop challenge for farmers
Lynne Mowbray |
The RE Serve Op Shop in Wharf Street Maclean has decided to do their bit to help out our drought stricken farmers and wants to put out a challenge to other Op Shops throughout the Clarence Valley, to join them.
During the first week of September (September 3-8) all money raised through the sale of goods will go to help out our farmers.
Administrator Robyn Wood said that she would like to other Op Shops do the same.
“We’re throwing out the challenge to all Op Shops in the Clarence Valley, to give one week’s takings, to help the drought stricken farmers,” Ms Wood said.
“We’d like to encourage the community to come in and spend their money during the first week in September and it will all go to help the farmers in need.
“The money will go straight to the Australian Red Cross, ‘Help the Aussie Farmer Appeal’.
“It would be great if the other Op Shops were able to do the same, either the same week or whenever they can, to do our bit to support the farmers.
“We (the Op Shop) survive on the public’s support and now it’s our turn to give back,” she said.