Community News
New Italy honours its WW1 Anzacs
In a ceremony at the New Italy Museum complex commencing at 10am on Saturday morning, 14 November the New Italy Museum Inc. will honour the 13 young men who served in the 1st AIF during WW1 and whose Italian parents settled New Italy in 1882. Two of these young men were killed in action on the Western Front1, another seven were wounded and two were decorated for gallantry2.
1 Pte John Caminiti, 36th Inf Bn, KIA 10 June 1917; Gnr Lorenzo Nardi, 4th Aust Div Ammunition Column, died of wounds 22 August 1917.
2 Cpl Toney Mazzer, Military Medal; Cpl Michael Scarrabelotti, Distinguished Conduct Medal
3 The Honour Roll has been made of Australian Red Cedar and the inscriptions are in 23 carat gold leaf. It was designed and built by a local master-craftsman, Mr Jim Muldoon of Grafton. This part of the project has been supported by funding from the Australian Government under the Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program.
4 The stories are told on banners, posters and brochures designed by local graphic designer, Leonie Lane of Booyong Designs. Booyong Designs is a major sponsor of the New Italy Museum complex.
During the ceremony on Saturday morning, relatives of the “New Italy Anzacs” will unveil an Honour Roll3 that will become part of a permanent display in the New Italy Museum. Also on permanent display at New Italy will be stories on each of these men4 together with stories on the broader impact of WW1 on the New Italy community.
This 1st generation of the New Italy settlers had no family ties to England or a history of loyalty to the British monarchy. In making the decision to enlist, these men became part of the making of the ANZAC legend. They also paved the way for subsequent generations of migrants who have served and are still serving in Australia’s armed forces.
The New Italy Museum Inc. is proud to host this significant event. Attending will be the Hon Kevin Hogan MP, Member for Page, and state and municipal political representatives. Many of the relatives of the men being honoured will travel from Sydney, Brisbane and from regional areas throughout NSW and Qld. All members of the community are welcome to attend.
Peter Blackwood