What do household batteries, smoke detectors and mobile phones have in common?
The answer is, that they will all be recycled if you drop them in at one of Clarence Valley Council’s two new Community Recycling Stations located at:
Treelands Drive Community Centre, Treelands Drive Yamba or Grafton Regional Library, 126-144 Pound Street Grafton.
As well as mobile phones and smoke detectors, the stations provide a great opportunity to recycle all those household batteries that so often end up in kerbside bins and then landfill, where they can cause fires and leach polluting chemicals.
An estimated 46 tonnes of household batteries end up in bins across the Northern Rivers every year. The Community Recycling Stations provide a safe and convenient way to help prevent this in future.
Using re-chargables is always the best option for reducing battery waste but when you do need to dispose of batteries, just drop them at your nearest Community Recycling Station for FREE. They will be processed here in Australia and most of the extracted materials are used to make new items such as mobile phones.
Batteries and smoke detectors along with other household problem wastes (up to 20L or 20kgs) including paints, gas bottles, fluoro bulbs, car batteries and oils can also be dropped off for FREE at one of Clarence Valley Council’s larger Community Recycling Centres located at:
Grafton Regional Landfill, 704 Armidale Road South Grafton or Maclean Waste Transfer & Recycle Centre, Paperbark Drive Maclean.
For more information on what can be recycled at your local Community Recycling Centres, visit www.clarence.nsw.gov.au or contact Council on 6643 0200.
This project is a NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Waste Less Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.