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McLachlan Park decision stalls another month
Decisions regarding the redevelopment of McLachlan Park in Maclean will have to wait at least one more month.
At next week’s council meeting a report will be tabled stating that “due to some difficulties in quantifying scope and pricing … this matter will not be reported until March 2016”.
“…Due to [the] Christmas close down of both Council and relevant industries, difficulty has been experienced in obtaining valuable input and associated cost estimating with regard to a modified scope of works.”
At the September 2015 meeting, councillors voted to not accept the “current tenders as [they] do not represent best value for money”.
As a result, council staff were authorised to commence negotiations with the companies that tendered for the project to “negotiate scope, price, project delivery methodology and project risk”.
Councillors Baker and Toms (Cr Lysaught was absent) did not support this decision.
At the December meeting, staff advised that the negotiations had failed because “the revised prices are higher than the available budget [within the] negotiated scope; and construction methodology has not realised the expected time or cost savings; and that significant exclusions, clarifications, and price sensitive risks remain”.
Councillors, apart from Crs Baker and Toms, resolved that: “Alternate methodologies be investigated (including but not limited to scope of work) to deliver the Construction of the Redevelopment of McLachlan Park and reported to Council in February 2016”.