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Maclean VIEW Club

Pictured (l-r) Sharonn Riggall (neonatal nurse, Lady Cilento Hospital, Brisbane), June Riggall, Nola Watson, Ruth Toyer and Denise Hope. Image: Contributed.
President Ruth welcomed members and guests to our August luncheon and it was very pleasing to see so many members in attendance. Guest speaker Sharonn Riggall shared with us her typical day as a neonatal nurse at The Lady Cilento Hospital in Brisbane, we thank her for her most interesting talk. It was very sad to hear of the death of our long time member Audrey Robinson. Thoughts and prayers go out to her family. There is a planned outing to the Alpaca farm at Harwood on September 15. We will meet at the Bowling Club Maclean at 12 noon to car pool. Lunch will be $10, with a variety of sandwiches, quiche etc. to chose from. The September meeting will be in Iluka at the Iluka Bowling Club, with guest speaker Denise Molloy, who will talk on Homeopathic medicine. A smorgasbord lunch will be served. Apologies for the September meeting to June Riggall by Monday September 18; also any special dietary requirements. Roster for September – morning tea to be supplied by the committee, with raffles and lucky door prizes to be donated by the Iluka members, thank you ladies! Yvonne Hughes will be treating us to a Bingo morning for our October meeting. Rosemary Rackham