Members and guests were welcomed to our last meeting, it being the first for the year, a good start to another great year.
Our meeting commenced with the AGM, presided over by our Zone councillor Elizabeth Birch. Appreciation was given to the outgoing committee for their dedication and hard work for the past years that they have served on the committee.
Our new committee is very depleted, with only four members nominating. Thank you to those members for taking on their respective roles. Several members have very kindly taken on other roles to help the work load of the committee, for which we thank you gratefully.
Cr Debrah Novak was our guest speaker and gave us an enlightened insight into the ‘Clarence Valley Food NSW’ organisation, for which she is the chairperson. Debrah told us of the enormous amount of produce and agriculture that is produced in the Clarence Valley, the industry having very impressive statistics. She also spoke about the devastation that the recent bush fires have had on producers.
Debrah also runs the farmers market in Yamba which has grown from just a few stalls in the beginning to approximately 40 currently.
The quest speaker for March is yet to be advised.
Morning tea roster: Rosemary Rackham and Lorraine McGrath.
Raffle donation: Margaret Kable.
Diary dates: International Women’s Day – March 13 at the Yamba Bowling Club, this will be a great event to enjoy, with inspirational speakers and entertainment.
Any apologies for the March meeting to Ruth on 0409 844 212 by 7pm on March 16 please.
Our next luncheon will be on March 19 at the Maclean Bowling Club, see you there for luncheon, fun and fellowship.