At the June meeting, president Carole welcomed two new members being Anne Waters and John Miller. Also welcomed was a visitor, Lorrain Eggins daughter Ruth.
On Thursday May 23, 41 members went to Coffs Harbour Marine Park, bringing our own morning tea consisting of slices, cake and biscuits that was had on the picnic area of the marine park. The fairy penguins were a delight to see and to feed them. The dolphins were very clever and some of our members had their photo taken with a dolphin jumping up out of the water. The fish and turtle pond were also great to see, and you could feed them. After the Marine Park we went to the Clog Barn for lunch which was pre ordered. After lunch we were given a demonstration on how the clogs were made. After having an ice cream, we headed for home. All of our Seniors enjoyed the day and I think they all slept well that night.
On May 30 the Biggest Morning Tea was held at Maclean Bowling Club. Our Seniors (in conjunction with Maclean Bowling Club) organised the morning tea which consisted of sandwiches, slices and cakes. We supplied the raffle donated by our Seniors. Thanks to those who donated.
A total of $538 was raised in the raffle. Thanks to all the people who worked so hard setting up tables and preparing food and all who helped make the day successful. A total of $1,126.30 was raised and donated to the Cancer Council.
The AGM will be held on Wednesday August 7. Membership fees are now due and you must be a financial member to vote at the AGM.
A trip is being organised for either September or October. Details will be at the next meeting held on Wednesday July 3 at 10am at Maclean Bowling Club.
Bev Thompson.