The guest speaker at the May meeting was Sharon Meek from Medic Alert. Sharon explained how the new Medic Alert works, compared to the old one. The latest Medic Alert works anywhere in Australia but there are two black spots in Queensland. It works 24 hours a day, the talk was very informative.
There is a trip to the Dolphin Marine Park at Coffs Harbour on Thursday May 23; the bus leaves at 7.15am from the Maclean Bowling Club, we will also be visiting the Clog Barn where we will have lunch.
On Thursday May 30 we will be hosting the Biggest Morning Tea in conjunction with Maclean Bowling Club. The morning tea starts at 10am cost is $5 there will be entertainment, raffles and lucky door prize. Tickets will be sold on the day at the Bowling Club. All proceeds go to the Cancer Council.
President Carole wished all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day, the raffle prizes were boxes of chocolates. Congratulations to Col and Dell Jenkins celebrating their anniversary of 42 years of marriage. Also celebrating 63 years is John and Norma Gorman, congratulations. Annual fees are due at the June and July meeting.
Bev Thompson