At the March meeting two new members were welcomed by president Carole, Fay Wiblen and Linda Miller and it was nice to see Jenny McSwan back at the meeting. Congratulations to Jean and Athol Butcher celebrating 65 years of marriage. Yamba Seniors day was celebrated March 3 with 21 of our Seniors attending, all whom attended enjoyed the day. Thanks Yamba, for making the day enjoyable.
Our Seniors Day was held Wednesday February 20 it was an afternoon tea starting at 1.30pm, it is organised by our Seniors in conjunction with Maclean Bowling Club who supply all the catering and food and our Seniors prepare it. Guests were Mareeba, Whiddon Group, Caroona, Hospital Auxiliary and Yamba Seniors and with 140 in attendance, the afternoon was successful and enjoyable, thanks to all those who worked to make it a success.
At the April meeting our guest speaker was Warwick Foster from Clarence Community Transport, he explained to our Seniors how funding has been cut to aged care packages. Also, a big change to trips up to Queensland from five times a week to two times a week. The cost is now $400-$600. It was a very interesting talk by Warwick and now our Seniors have been updated on transport.
Congratulations were extended to couples celebrating anniversaries, including Barbara and Eric Foster (51 years); Diana and Doug Starr (54 years) and Bev and Alan Thompson (55 years).
A trip is being planned for Thursday May 23 to Coffs Harbour to the Pet Porpoise Pool and then onto the Clog Barn for lunch. Cost of the trip is $33 and the money is to be paid at May meeting.
A minute’s silence was held for Irma O’Brien who passed away on March 15. Irma was a very good member of the Seniors and always gave raffle prizes and tombolas for our functions when called upon. A further minute’s silence was held for member Jean Leather who also helped when called upon.
A guest speaker will be at our May meeting. Sharon Meek will speak about the new Medic alert. That meeting will be held on Wednesday May 1 and the Biggest Morning Tea will be held by Maclean Bowling Club and Maclean Senior Citizens on Thursday May 30 at Maclean Bowling Club. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Bev Thompson