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Maclean parking initiatives revealed
Geoff Helisma |
Maclean businesses and customers are wrestling with disruption to parking in the town as a result of the new supermarket under construction over the former Centenary Drive car park and about a third of Cameron Park.
Since the construction fence went up, the Independent has unsuccessfully sought a copy of the approved construction management plan for the project from Clarence Valley Council (CVC) and the contractor, Circon.
However, following a briefing by CVC’s general manager, Ashley Lindsay, and development engineer, Nigel Sutton, to the Maclean Chamber of Commerce’s meeting on Monday August 13; the Independent put some questions to Mr Sutton.
I: What is CVC doing here to improve pedestrian ingress and egress at the new Argyle Street car park, particularly in respect to accessing River Street?
NS: A concrete footpath will be provided from the south-western corner of the car park to the Clyde Street kerb. This will link to the existing path beside Argyle Street on the opposite side of Clyde Street.
I: Please explain considerations and likely actions that will be taken to manage pedestrian traffic on Centenary Drive.
NS: Council is liaising with the business chamber and the site contractor to provide for pedestrian access along the section of Centenary Drive, north of the arcade. The arrangement has not been finalised as yet and some aspects might require approval from the local traffic committee, such as any adjustment to the existing loading bay.
I: In regard to the placement of the construction fence along council-owned land adjacent to the pool, which in practical terms blocks access to pool’s car park, please explain why this was necessary.
NS: Vehicular access to the pool’s car park is available from McLachlan Street and pedestrian access is available through Cameron Park, ie access has not been blocked. The area will be reconstructed during the project and is providing construction access to the site. It was considered unsafe to combine public and site traffic through this narrow section, given that alternative access is available.
I: Please advise of any additional signage or lines (as alluded to in the chamber’s meeting minutes) that might be erected/painted to ameliorate and/or inform people of where parking is available, etcetera.
NS: Line marking of parking spaces will be investigated and carried out where feasible as a means of maximising the use of available space.
I: What has CVC done, to date, in regard of making [additional] adjustments [similar to providing] the new disabled spaces near the toilets?
NS: The implementation of the disabled parking spaces is in place, the extension of the footpath is being scheduled.
I: What proactive actions are CVC planning to take to inform the community of changes, etcetera?
NS: As the measures are established there will be ongoing notification to the community to emphasise what facilities are available.
I: How will adjustments be made to account for unforseen issues as the building is constructed, [in relation] to the plan that was meant to be in place as instructed by the JRPP?
NS: The consent for the supermarket requires measures to be established for the safe management of pedestrian and vehicular movements in the vicinity of the site. These measures need to be identified on traffic control plans [TCP]. If the circumstances indicate that an approved TCP is not appropriate, more suitable measures are proposed and the TCP will be amended accordingly.