Maclean Neighbourhood Watch is pleased to be associated with the Clarence Valley Community Drug Action Team (CDAT), which meets in Grafton on a monthly basis. This team is made up of representatives from a number of government agencies, health care services, police, business, community groups and residents, working together to address drug-related concerns in the community.
On Tuesday September 24 CDAT will be presenting a two-hour public forum on all forms of substance abuse, including methamphetamine (ICE), at South Grafton. The forum aims to inform the facts of use and dangers of drug taking, how it affects families and the community, and what can be done about the problem. The forum will include presentations from specialist speakers, an audio-visual, and a Question and Answer session.
This important, informative forum is free, and is open to all members of the community to attend.
Date: Tuesday September 24
Place: New School of Arts Neighbourhood Hall, cnr Skinner and Spring Streets South Grafton.
Time: 10am to 12 noon.
Maclean Neighbourhood Watch meets bi-monthly at Maclean Bowling Club, and community members are most welcome to attend. The next meeting is Monday October 14, at 5.30pm.
Warren Rackham