It is great to be open again. It is pleasing to say that since our opening in February we have higher than the usual numbers of people attending and enjoying what the Museum has to offer.
A lot of the visitors are from out of the area, as people start to move around our vast country.
A reminder, that our opening hours are, each Tuesday from 9am to 12 noon as well as each Saturday from 1pm to 4pm. We ask that visitors remain COVID-19 safe and remember to avail themselves of the hand sanitiser and be aware of social distancing rules. Both Museum workers and visitors alike must check-in using the Service NSW App on display at the Museum. If you do not have a phone with the capabilities, we have provisions in place for you to sign in.
Admission fees are $5 for each adult and $3 for each age pensioner, senior card holder and school age child, under school age children are free.
We have obtained several new items for our displays: a Raisin seeder, a marmalade cutter and a draught horse bit. The horses’ bit belonged to a horse called ‘Tom Thumb”.
See you soon.
Ken Muller