Our new bowls co-ordinator Jayson Pinnock takes over this Wednesday January 16. I wish him every success in his endeavours. I am sure it speaks positive for our club; he will be a big asset.
A great day was had by all on Sunday’s get together to meet and welcome Jayson. Around 60 bowlers and patrons were in attendance in fine conditions. All enjoyed two short games and a sausage sizzle.
At the recent board meeting, it was decided that instead of a bowls match committee this year, Alastair Preston and Doug Starr are appointed as ‘assistants’ to the bowls co-ordinator to run bowls.
The Fours Championship draw has not been made yet. It will be done ASAP under the guidance of our new bowls organisation.
Nominations are open for 2019 Open Pairs. These close on Friday January 25 with 1st Round play on Sunday February 3.
The first of the years District Championship events (fours and pairs) close with the District on Wednesday January 16. Fees for all who have entered should be paid over the bar ASAP and then given to the bowls organiser so your name can be marked as paid, prior to the closure date.
Arrangements have been made for the next trip away by our ‘Cane-cutters’ travelling bowlers. This will be to visit and contest the bi-annual trophy against the Ballina RSL ‘Sand-fly’s’. It is set down for Sunday January 27. The bus will leave our club at 7.30am on the day.
Visitors to Maclean are always welcome to visit our great club and perhaps participate in a friendly game of social bowls.