At the June meeting of the Maclean Lower Clarence Hospital Auxiliary the Nurse Manager, Tara Chambers, reported that a recent evaluation showed that Maclean Hospital is above the bench mark for all services. Everyone is invited to join a walk, organised by the hospital’s health committee, from the hospital to the Harwood “Hilton” pub on Sunday July 28 starting at 10am.
The treasurer’s report showed that the fund for the new ultrasound machine is now over $80,000. The stall at the Maclean Markets on June 8 raised $462.
The correspondence included a donation of $1200 from the Maclean Patchwork and Quilters group. The “Have a Chat” ladies of Maclean donated a beautiful quilt which will be raffled, and May and Frank Pizzaro gave a generous donation. Thank you to all these good people.
Three auxiliary members, Sandra, Rita and Trish, attended the Lions Club changeover dinner and were happy to accept a cheque for $1500.
There will be a trivia afternoon from 2pm to 6pm at the Brushgrove Pub on Saturday July 27. Contact Pauline Howard on 0422 881 947 for further details.
For those of us who have become a little shaky or are just careless eaters who spill some of our food, an adult bib was demonstrated. They are available in various colours, with towelling lining, at acost of $10 each. Also, Veronica is taking orders for warm small neck scarves and matching beanies for $12.
The Annual General Meeting will be held next month on Monday July 15. Please note that it will start at the earlier time of 1.00pm and members are asked to bring a very small plate of afternoon tea goodies.
All positions will be declared vacant.
Maggie Combley