Our next Meeting is on Saturday March 16, at the Presbyterian Church Hall, Church Street Maclean. Plants are benched by 1pm. The meeting starts at 1.30pm after the judging, and includes lucky door and raffle prizes, plus afternoon tea.
Ken Woods will share his experience with a presentation on soft-cane dendrobiums. At our meeting in February, another long-time member, Danny Bell, spoke on pollination of orchids.
Both Judge’s Choice and Popular Vote Orchid went to Neil & Carol Campbell’s Vanda Sharon Louise “Madam”, while the Judge’s Choice Flower winner was Brian Donaghy’s pink gerbera, and Popular Vote Flower winner, Sue King’s red hibiscus.
Sue’s growing tip, “hibiscus is a shrub that needs pruning every one or two years. Spray for little black bugs with an insecticide when present. Fertilize with Thrive and seaweed extract monthly. Hibiscus flowers twice a year for many weeks at a time.”
In April there will be preparations for our Autumn Show, to its lead-up after Easter in early May. Happy growing!
Penny Bird