Members please note, there will be no July AGM meeting and the next meeting is now postponed until Saturday August 21. Nearer the time, members will be informed of the latest regulations.
At the June meeting, 76 varied and beautiful plants were benched, to admire and assess. This time, Judges’ Choice Orchid was Sue King’s Dendrobium Hilda Poxon “Rothwell.” Both Judges’ Choice Flower and Popular Vote winner, went again to Narelle Francis for her Yellow Bunny Rose. As for Popular Vote Orchid, it turned out to be a 3-way tie between a frilly Cattleya Rlc. Golf Green, a Trichoglottis germinata, both Sue King’s, and Cymbidium Clarence Flame, Terry & Penny Bird. President Terry gave a delightful orchid presentation and then thanked those who have contributed their valued efforts to the success of the club. With vacancies anticipated for members at the August AGM, your willingness to contribute how you can, would be appreciated. Considering too, the hopeful celebration of 30 years of Spring Shows at the Bowls Club, toward the end of September this year.
Penny Bird