The Annual General Meeting of Maclean District Business Chamber was held on June 11; all positions were declared vacant and Steven Fraser from Maclean Services Club held the chair while the elections took place.
While the positions of vice president, secretary and treasurer have been filled, the Chamber is in need of a president, to take over from Peter Gordon who has decided to take a rest after putting in many years supporting the Chamber in the role of president, and all members and executive board thanks Peter for his years of exemplary service.
There is a very active executive board of local business people in place to help the Chamber continue to progress our current projects and assist our members wherever possible.
If there are members of the public with a business interest, who would like to volunteer their time, the Chamber would be most appreciative. The Chamber needs a president and membership executive. These roles will be very well supported by the executive board and would be particularly suitable to retired/semi-retired business people with some spare time who have an interest in seeing our town prosper.
If you feel you could be the right person for this role, please feel free to contact the