At the recent meeting of the Lower Clarence Laurel Club, president Marie thanked the members who had laid the wreaths at the ANZAC Day ceremonies in Yamba and Maclean.
Six members attended the Legacy Friendship Day held last month at Ballina RSL Club. There were 130 ladies present who chatted happily before the delicious lunch was served. Entertainment was provided by the guitar and singing duo of Brendan and Lee. Several raffles were drawn and our member, Elizabeth, won a Coles $50 voucher.
The Far North Coast Legacy Club president, Narelle Scott, spoke eloquently about the importance of friendship and support.
Congratulations to Legatee Margaret Bailey who has been elected vice-president of Grafton Legacy.
There are still some vacancies for the trip to Canberra in September.
Unfortunately, the planned speaker from the NBN was unable to attend.
The next meeting will be on Monday June 17 at 10.30am when the guest speaker will be Vicki Gulaptis.
Maggie Combley