Community News

Local Health District commits to increasing Aboriginal workforce

Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSW LHD) has made a commitment to a more diverse workforce by embracing NSW Health’s Stepping Up campaign. Stepping Up is a NSW Health website that helps Aboriginal people find jobs in the health sector. Since Stepping Up was launched in May 2015 it has received an average of 7,785 visits per month and its Facebook site has reached 494,622 people, with females generating 82 per cent of the clicks. NNSW LHD Chief Executive Wayne Jones said Stepping Up assisted employers in finding Aboriginal candidates for positions across the health sector. “Stepping Up provides information and tools to help managers find the best person for each position,” Mr Jones said. “It’s important we place people in jobs that match their skills, experience and aspirations so they’re more likely to stay in the health workforce and carve a meaningful and successful career. “NNSW LHD is committed to increasing Aboriginal representation in our health workforce and it’s very encouraging to see such a high number of hits on the Stepping Up website.” The website highlights a range of employment opportunities including medical and primary care practitioners, nurses, midwives, service and program managers, Aboriginal Health Workers, Aboriginal Mental Health Workers, administrators and leadership positions. The Stepping Up website provides: • Guidelines on employing and supporting Aboriginal staff • Information on cadetships and scholarships • Help with searching for a job • Information about available positions • Job application tips • Information about submitting a job application • Details on screening and checks. Mr Jones said the website aimed to boost the number of Aboriginal employees in the NSW Health workforce to help close the health gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. “Employing more Aboriginal health workers to provide culturally appropriate and accessible care in our communities will help improve health outcomes and close the gap, which is our ultimate goal,” Mr Jones said. The Stepping Up website can be viewed at: