
Liver disease is slipping right under the radar

Ed, I write to ask readers to help the Liver Foundation with a critical cause and a vital fundraising mission. Put simply, liver cancer is already the fastest growing cause of cancer death in Australia. At least 1,400 Australians now die of liver cancer every year. It is expected that by the year 2030 the number of people with liver disease in Australia will be at least 8 million. Liver disease is slipping right under the radar. It is set to become and epidemic in Australia. Alarmingly, a third of those diagnosed with liver cancer are sadly dead within just one month of their diagnosis. Right now – as people read this – 6 million Australians are affected by liver disease. Liver disease in the main can be preventable and if detected early, it can be treated effectively. Later this year renowned Australian transplant liver surgeon Luc Delriviere is heading to Antarctica to visit places that haven’t been visited before. An international team of experts will be behind him. He is a legend in medical circles. His expedition will raise much needed funds for the Liver Foundation. We hope businesses across Australia, individuals and others will get behind Luc’s powerful fundraising mission. To find out how you can donate to the Liver Foundation, just go to www.liver.org.au. Liver disease is not detected on routine tests. A healthy lifestyle combined with a sensible diet, exercise and minimal use of alcohol and no smoking all help a liver’s health. I urge readers to visit our website, find out more about liver disease and donate to this powerful cause. Ben Richardson, Chairman The Liver Foundation