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Leaving a Gift can make all the difference
Having a well-established Will can help to ensure that your wishes are in place. If you are without a Will or feel that your Will needs updating, the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter’s annual Wills Week is here to help.
Held from March 7 to 11, participating solicitors across the region will be donating their time in support of the rescue helicopter’s to help people in preparing a simple Will.
For many people, their Will not only sets out their estate for their family and loved ones, but can often include a gift (bequest) for their favourite charity.
The Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter is a local charity that relies on the support of the community to help fundraise over $5M in donations each year to keep the Service flying. The value of a gift from someone who has considered them in their Will is not taken lightly by those involved with the Service.
“The gift of a bequest helps to ensure that we can continue to save lives across our region” commented Zeke Huish, Fundraising Manager with the rescue helicopter service.
“A bequest is a very generous gesture and can provide a long lasting legacy for a charity and to those that benefit from the role that charity plays in the community” said Mr Huish.
The cost is just $85, or $140 per couple, with all proceeds supporting the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter.
Solicitors will be participating locally in Grafton & Maclean.
Bookings are essential and places are limited. Call 6627 4417 today.