Community News

Lawrence Museum – no garage sale this year

There will be no garage sale at the Lawrence Museum this year. The popular event has been held for several years now, but as vice president Roz Jones explained, “We have been successful with a grant application to the Regional Cultural Fund (RCF). The grant of $186,150 will enable us to; repair the damaged concrete driveway, construct further accessible pathways, and a new toilet. We will restore the exterior of the heritage building, and seal the asbestos roof. The grant will also provide for the installation of a lift to accommodate wheelchairs/walking frames to the second storey of the new shed.”

“With such a lot of construction work underway, sadly it is not feasible to hold the garage sale this year.”

The Lawrence Museum garage sale has always been well supported with donations from the community and many buyers and bargain hunters. “We very much appreciate the community support over the past years, and volunteers who helped the event become so successful. It has been invaluable in our fundraising efforts,” Roz explained.

“However, we are very pleased to be able to complete the much needed construction and restoration to make the museum collection accessible and easy for all to appreciate”.

The Lawrence Historical Society is constructing a large new shed to increase the display area, and a recently restored 1919 Fordson tractor is now on display.

The Lawrence Museum is open to the public Tuesdays 9am – 1pm and weekends from 1pm – 4pm. More details are available on