Community News
Largest wetland in upper Clarence to receive a healthy boost thanks to NSW government grant
Important conservation works to restore the health of the largest wetland in the Upper Clarence will be undertaken thanks to a $99,970 grant to Upper Clarence Combined Landcare under the NSW Government’s Restoration and Rehabilitation Grant Program, Clarence MP, Chris Gulaptis has announced.
Mr Gulaptis said the aim of the grants program is to support projects run by community organisations and government entities who are working to prevent or reduce environmental degradation.
“It’s important that we provide support to projects that protect, conserve and restore the health of our local environment.
“The 55 hectare wetland site near Tabulam is degraded by siltation from upstream gully erosion, grazing, feral animals, weed infestation and is in vegetation decline.
“It has indigenous significance and conservation values and provides habitat for the black-necked stork and other threatened species.
“The project will support natural resilience and maintain Aboriginal cultural values,” he said.
Based on plans developed with the landholder and in consultation with Jubullum, the project aims to address erosion and siltation, establish sustainable hydrology and improved water quality, plant 20,000 local native species, enhance land and aquatic habitat through the placement of large woody debris and control stock access, feral animals and weeds.
Mr Gulaptis said the NSW Government has been supporting local organisations conserve the state’s diverse bushland, wildlife and heritage for more than two decades through this program.
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