
Impact of intersection development proposal

Ed, I have only just caught up with your article (CVI 18/5/16) and am delighted that the service station proposal has been delayed. Hopefully it will disappear forever, not just for the reasons laid out in the article but, in my view, for more serious reasons. There would be little disagreement, I suspect, that the Treelands/Yamba Road intersection is the busiest and most difficult one in the town, so to overlay that with increased traffic from people entering and exiting this proposed service station will not only compound this but, most importantly become a major safety risk for both drivers and pedestrians. Then there is the village development opposite, which I don’t live in, who already have enough difficulty getting in and out, whether in a car, or on foot, to try and cross the road. Then there is the impact on nearby residents, more noise and more pollution, so it’s difficult to see why this proposal should go ahead and not to line Westlawn’s and Coles’ pockets. Brian Holley, Yamba