
Vets president Geoffrey Prentice with another meat voucher, meaning he eats sausages again for a week. Well done Geoff.

Iluka Veterans Stableford to David Burns

The March 12 event a single Stableford combined with a 2BB mystery card draw provided the novelty interest to keep all the starters of the shotgun start entertained at the 19th. The day was sponsored by evergreen Vet Brian Kay and many thanks to Brian.


Winner – David Burns 39pts (from boiled sweets last week to the chocolates this week); r/up – Geoff Prentice 38pts (second week in a row our president has run 2nd, beware next week he is not a happy camper).

NTPs: 1 / 10 – Graeme Lockyer; 6 / 15 – Roy Ellery; 8 / 17 – Paul Mitchell; Roy Ellery 3rd shot on 3 / 12.

Barry Robbie Mars Bar & Porcelain Cup went to Jeff Turner.

The ball rundown went to 9 players on 34 points or better.

Played with Graeme Lockyer this week who proclaims he has no idea how his nickname ‘Lord’ came to be, however he did play with some divine intervention with a swing made in heaven.

The ‘Lord’ Lockyer (ever the organiser) solved our dilemma and mass confusion of what to do with the pin when putting under the new rule. He suggested for all players to leave the pin in, unless the person putting instructs otherwise. It worked very well and should be adopted by all to save time and confusion.