Friday had a great roll up of players and Ellie M was a most welcome back member and played as though she had not been away and won the day from Bob.
Sunday was a fantastic day with the sun gods nearly giving us beach weather, we also saw a great turn out on the lawn and a visitor (namely my beautiful daughter Sharon) prevailed over Graeme, not much can be said for the rest of us as this was only her second game of croquet. Vaughan played and scored her very first jump shot and it said a lot about perseverance it has only taken her three years to complete this task, well done.
Tuesday we play host to Coutts Crossing in the Clarence Coast Pennants so more on that next week.
Our club voucher winner was Graeme, and our raffle that is currently underway is a $50 voucher to the wonderful restaurant at the bowlo, a prize well worth winning.
Hope to see you all next Friday on the lawn.
Bob McFadden