From the Newsroom

Member for Page Kevin Hogan (pictured with his wife Karen) said he is humbled to be endorsed as the Nationals candidate for the 2025 Federal Election. Image: Kevin Hogan

Hogan endorsed as Nationals candidate for Page

Rodney Stevens

Incumbent Member for Page Kevin Hogan has been endorsed as the Nationals candidate for the seat of Page in the upcoming 2025 Federal Election.

The current Deputy Manager of Opposition Business in the House of Representatives, Kevin John Hogan was first elected as the Member for Page at the September 7, 2013, election, then he was re-elected on July 2, 2016; May 18, 2019; and May 21, 2022.

Mr Hogan, a former money market and bond trader, high school teacher, and superannuation fund investment officer, has served as the National’s Whip in the House of Representatives, a Member of the Speakers panel and Deputy Speaker, Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister, Assistant Minister for Local Government and Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism during his 11 years and 4 months in federal parliament.

He is married to Karen and the couple have three children.

The electorate of Page was named in honour of caretaker Prime Minister of Australia from April 7 to April 16, 1939, the Rt Hon. Sir Earle Christmas Grafton Page, who was a member of the House of Representatives from 1919 – 1961.

Page as an electorate was proclaimed at the redistribution of seats on October 11, 1984, and first contested at the December 1, 1984, Federal Election, one of 24 newly created seats in the House of Representatives.

Past Federal Members for Page are Ian Robinson of the Nationals 1984 – 1990, Labor’s Harry Woods 1990 – 1996, the Nationals Ian Causley 1996 – 2007, Labor’s Janelle Saffin 2007 – 2013, and Mr Hogan.

The 19,335 square kilometres of the Page electorate covers the Council areas of the Clarence Valley, Richmond Valley, Lismore City, Kyogle, and parts of Ballina Shire and Coffs Harbour City Councils.

The electorate covers an area from Sapphire Beach in the south to the Queensland border on the inland side in the north, with main towns and cities including Casino, Evans Head, Grafton, Iluka, Kyogle, Lismore, Maclean, Woolgoolga, and Yamba.

In the 2022 election, Mr Hogan secured 47,701 first preference votes or 45.6 per-cent of the 112,408 votes counted in Page, with his closest opponent, Labor’s Patrick Deegan receiving 19,531 first preference votes or 18.7 per-cent.

Last week, Mr Hogan said he was humbled to have recently been endorsed as the Nationals candidate for this year’s Federal Election.

“It is an honour to serve our community and with their support I hope to continue to do so,” he said in a statement.

“We need to get our country back on track.

“Labor have been an exceptionally disappointing Government.

“Cost-of-living pressures, the housing crisis, and the complete lack of funding for regional communities all need reversing.

“Labor promised a $275 cut to power bills – this didn’t happen.

“Instead, prices have increased hurting our families and businesses.

“Immigration is at record levels and now no one can afford a home.

“The election is about who is best to help with cost of living, housing, and rental pressures.

“I always believe that our best days are ahead of us, and this election is an opportunity to achieve that.”

A date is yet to be set for the 2025 Federal Election, with speculation it will be held in between March and May.

The Federal Constitution requires elections to be held no later than 68 days after the House of Representatives terms expire, but, as half of the senator’s terms end on June 30, 2025, an election must take place before then.