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Highland Gathering to go ahead at showground
Lynne Mowbray |
Despite the Maclean Show having to be postponed this year due to major storm damage which was caused to the Maclean showground, this year’s Highland Gathering at Easter, will still go ahead at the showground.
The green light was given at a meeting on Monday last week (February 12) between the Clarence Valley Council (CVC) and Lower Clarence Scottish Association (LCSA) members.
LCSA Chief Peter Smith said he was happy with the outcome of the meeting.
“CVC Civil Engineer Troy Anderson and his offsiders went through what we could and couldn’t use at the showground, for the highland gathering,” Mr Smith said.
“Everything’s pretty good except there are restrictions where the crowd can sit as there will be areas that are fenced off.
“The area in front of the kiosk and the lower part of the grandstand area, is still ok.
“Extra seating will be brought in from around the sporting fields, for viewing the events.
“The toilet block near the old bar area at the bottom of the hill are unusable and will be demolished, so we will probably put some portable toilets there and there are disabled toilets at the top of the hill near the cane pavilion, which are ok.
“The kiosk is ok although there will be restricted access to it.
“It certainly won’t be the same as it always is, but everything’s coming along ok and it’s all systems go,” he said.