Helped immensely
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the article you ran in relation to The Mend & Make Do Crew Inc.’s Homeless Toiletry Kit project. We’ve had an amazing response.
We hope to have our own dedicated location early in 2016 still within the New School of Arts Neighbourhood House precinct in South Grafton, so we will be introducing at least two more projects targeted specifically at supporting Agencies at the front line of Homelessness in the Northern Rivers.
We actually meet every Thursday at this point in time from 10am to 2pm in the Old Chambers Building on the corner of Spring and New Streets in South Grafton, not on the 13th of the month. We are hoping that once we secure a dedicated location we’ll be in a position to meet more often that once a week. We’ll also be in a position to market our services to more agencies without being inundated, to date our client base has grown purely through word of mouth.
Again, thank you so much for the article it has helped immensely in having the items we need for our pre-Christmas orders, and also a huge thank you to the Clarence Valley community for the fantastic support they are providing to the project.
Ursula Tunks,
President- The Mend &
Make Do Crew Inc.