Community News

Healing Services at Maclean

The Parish of Maclean have invited Pastor Mark Hemans from Encounter Ministries. Mark will be taking two Healing Services at St James’ Anglican Church, Wharf Street Maclean.

Mark has been welcomed to minister across denominational lines around the world and we are wonderfully blessed to have him come and share with us the healing anointing of Jesus.

Mark grew up in the charismatic movement, and was greatly influenced by the faith and healing teaching of Cannon Jim Glennon (Healing Service, St Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney).

Mark received biblical training at Wheaton College USA (BA in Biblical Studies, Ridley College Melbourne (B.TH &Dip. Min.) He has pastored churches in Victoria and ministered with FGBBMFI in Paraguay, South America.

His passion is for people to have a profound encounter with Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. Incredible miracles are currently happening as God pours out His Spirit in a fresh way.

Please make time on your calendars: Saturday & Sunday September 7-8; both nights commencing at 6.30pm.

Bring your friends, every one is very welcome.

Joy Rouse