On Tuesday August 8, we had a most interesting visit from our Queensland manager, Mr Trevor Morris, who explained just how a simple box of toys for a child has the effect of changing not only the life of a child, but the whole village where the shoe boxes are delivered.
The stories of how Samaritan’s Purse is also able to provide the needs of the village, so that the whole community is blessed, are a wonderful example of God’s love in action.
All this comes about as the result of boxes given to each child in the village at the same time. A wonderful Christmas surprise!
Remember, also, that this is not a yearly event for these children. One child receives one box in a lifetime, because no village is visited more than once. The need is great, and our arms must reach out and go wherever they are needed.
And the stories that come back, of the life-changing impact that your surprise gift to a child, whether 2, 5 or 15 years of age, are amazing. Imagine if Santa came to your house only once in a life-time, what an impact that would have on your family. This is what your shoebox does for one child, one time in his or her life.
And so to this year’s Appeal: After some delay in setting up a new collection agency in Maclean, and some confusion in obtaining our Christmas Child Shoe Boxes for this year, we are now set up and ready to go.
Our new depot in Maclean is the Baptist Church in Scullen St, Townsend.
In Yamba arrangements remain the same, with the collection point being the Presbyterian Opportunity Shop in Coldstream St, and boxes are available from this depot and your normal church outlets.
Contact person for Yamba is Mrs Katherine Armstrong, ph 0403 868 612, after school hours only.
However, the situation in Maclean has caused some confusion. After several years, the Riverland Travel Agency can no longer act as our collection agent, however, boxes can still be picked up there.
We will be forever grateful to Judy, Zoe, Monika and the staff at the Riverland Travel for their continuing interest in this worthy cause.
But, change comes to all things in time, and we are so grateful to the Baptist Church, through Rev Alan Livingston, Lynelle Robb and, in particular, Barry Mosely, who has become a very hands-on collection agent for our new agency.
As well as a new address, new phone numbers apply: Please contact Glenys Irons on 0429 184 611, or 6645 4438, or Barry Mosely on 0428 452 763.
The next meeting of the CCLF is at 2pm on Wednesday September 6, in the Baptist Church, Scullen Street, Townsend. Afternoon tea to follow.
Men and women of all denominations are all very welcome to “Come and Meet Each Other” (CAME0), and work together for the good of us all.
Glenys Irons