
Hark the Nordics


In our modern world the Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden and Finland are actually trendsetters.

Multinational fossil fuel companies pay through the nose for North Sea oil/gas enabling Norway to fund its extensive social programmes.

In Norway next year 80% of new cars sold will be electric compared to just 4% in Australia.

Nordic countries treasure their education system and their teachers so much so that they lead the world in numeracy and literacy – we lag well behind.

Nordic energy systems are charging toward 100% renewables largely because of their vast hydro resources while Finland has just brought online a large nuclear generator after 13years of construction.

The indigenous Nordics are the Sami known also as Laplanders or reindeer herdsmen found in the north of each country.

All three nations have a Sami Voice to parliament which apparently operates smoothly without the dire consequences, so often loudly sprouted by our sad right wing doomster naysayers.

Perhaps, we could learn something from our Nordic cousins!

Ted Strong, Seelands