Community News

Great year for Maclean RSL Women’s Auxiliary

The end of the year is nigh and with this the Maclean RSL Women’s Auxiliary held their final meeting in the River Rooms of the Maclean Services Club on Monday 7 December. President Lynda opened the meeting and welcomed 13 members. The Ode was recited and a minutes silence was held for those experiencing bereavement or illness within their family. A round-up for Remembrance Day activities was held and winners of our raffle are as follows: 1st – Mr G Baker Ticket No: 7262 and 2nd – Mr P Luzzi Ticket No: 7520. I would like to thank everyone for your support during this campaign. Our annual Christmas shopping trip was well frequented and the rear of the bus was laden with parcels and shopping. We would like to sincerely thank Denis for giving up his day to drive us to and from Coffs. Our 2016 street stalls will be held on the following days – Friday, April 22 – Anzac Day Stall (street) Friday, June 10 – raffle/stall (street) Friday, September 16 – morning tea function Friday, November 4 – Remembrance Day stall (street) The formal meeting closed at 12noon. President of the Maclean RSL Sub-branch, Mr Kevin Jones OAM and his wife Maureen joined us after the meeting and we all enjoyed a lovely Christmas lunch at the Services Club, where Secret Santa paid us a visit much to everyone’s delight. We have now officially wound up for the year and our next meeting will be held on Monday 1 February 1 commencing at 10am, this meeting will incorporate our AGM, where all executive positions will be declared vacant and the new office voted in for the coming year, this will be followed by the regular monthly meeting. I would like to personally thank all the local business’ for their continued support and assistance during the year and also the local community, for consistently purchasing badges and poppies and raffle tickets for Anzac Day, Remembrance Day, Legacy week etc even when things maybe a bit “tight” financially. Thank you all very much for your support and from the Maclean RSL Women’s Auxiliary may we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year and we look forward to working with you all again in 2016. Any lady wishing to join our Auxiliary please come along on the 1st Monday of the month at 10am to the River Rooms of the Maclean Services Club where you will be made very welcome. Please note that you do not have to be associated to Defence in any way but just have a desire to assist in our fundraising efforts which go towards our ex-serving and current serving members. Lynda Leslie