Motoring enthusiasts from all over the Clarence Valley are invited to participate or spectate at the annual Show & Shine hosted by the Grafton Vintage Motor Vehicle Club on Sunday, July 24.
Sponsored by Shannons Insurance, the event is to take place at the Jabour Park sports complex, South Grafton commencing at 8am, which are the new grounds and club house of G.V.M.V.C. Inc.
All types of motor vehicles will be accepted for entry, including veteran, vintage, classic, street, hot rod, race, buggy, truck, utility or motorbike.
In fact, if you have a vehicle that is in anyway different, bring it along and show it off, allowing other people to admire them.
An entry fee of $5 per vehicle or motorbike will apply and no booking to participate is required.
There will be various Class judging with trophies on offer including best presented, together with a people’s choice award, which will no doubt add further interest to the event.
For those who just want to come and inspect the vehicles on display, a gold coin entry fee will be the only cost involved, children under the age of 15 will be admitted free.
Full catering facilities will be available at the grounds, allowing for morning tea, steak sandwiches and sausage sandwiches etc.
Whilst visiting the Show & Shine presentation, it will be a good opportunity to inspect the Clubs’ facilities and especially the remarkable mural designed and painted Linda El Mir. That alone is worth the entry to the new motoring enthusiasts complex.
Ray Hopwood