Community News

Grafton U3A – Jabberfest roundup

The April meeting commenced with a selection of First World War songs , an ANZAC tribute, presented by the ‘Good Vibes’ choir,  followed up with a quick quiz, with Nick Reeve as quizmaster, to see just how much we know about climate change, a prelude to Nick’s presentation after the morning tea break on this subject.

The picture painted should leave us with much food for thought with statistical information that indeed says that time is running out for us to be able to institute the changes necessary to combat global warming, the extinction of many species and the inevitable rise in sea levels caused by the rising air and sea temperatures.

It took a fifteen year old youngster to stand at a world conference and put the case in simple language to the world “leaders” who no doubt may have taken some notice. This young lady spoke for all the youth of the planet. All power to Greta and the youth of the world who wish to inhabit a much better world than we will have unless action is taken.

May is with us and our guest speaker for the Jabberfest will be Susan Lynch who is the Clarence Council‘s environment officer who will be talking about the Council’s ‘re-cycling of waste’ program.

A sneak preview of coming events will see a most interesting June meeting when we will learn all about native bees. There are many hundreds of different native bee species.

We hope to see a great roll up at the New Life Church in Arthur St on Monday May 13 commencing at 10am.

Brian Carter