Grafton Senior Citizens recently held their AGM, in association with general meeting, with an attendance of 78, and 15 apologies.
President, Charlie, gave his report, mentioning the good job done by committee, and with the support of members. Secretary, Brian, put out a copy of minutes of last AGM. Treasurer, Brian, read a statement of group’s financial position, which is quite healthy.
Sandra read a report on trips, and publicity for the year, including an 8 day tour to Mudgee area and 6 day trips during year have all been successful. The first day trip this year was a very successful trip to the Daniel O’Donnell show at Twin Towns. Tickets for two more day trips are already on sale, with others planned. Tickets for a 7 day tour to Lake Macquarie area are on sale. Sandra thanked all for their help and support, including coach captains.
Publicity reports have been done for each meeting, trip, and special event, and have been sent to CV Independent, Daily Examiner, Coastal Views, Seniors Revolution, and North Coast Senior, as well as updates on our notice board, and mentions at meetings and on bus trips.
Wednesday carpet bowls group is still successfully run by a sub-committee, ensuring its continuation. All groups would welcome more participants at their activities, with hoi and housie desperate for an increase in numbers.
All positions were declared vacant and trustee, Steve Donnelly, conducted the election of our new committee, with the following being elected:
President – Charlie Doggett; vice president – casual vacancy; secretary – Brian Hall; assistant secretary – Annette Douglas; treasurer – Brian Hall; assistant treasurer – Alwyn Campbell; tour organiser & publicity officer – Sandra Connelly; committee – Kay Whiteman; Ann Moran; Gloria Watters; Nina De Amyand; Robyn Worrell; Betty Doggett; Barb Sanders; Jill Campbell; Alan Rediger; Jean Jones; Vicki Meyer.
Patron, trustees and honorary solicitor roles will be resolved at the next committee meeting.
Members are reminded coming bus trips as follows: The Farm, Byron Bay – April 5; Scotts Head – May 31; 7 day tour to Lake Macquarie area – August 16.
New members are always welcome; enquiries with Sandra 6642 7720.
Next general meeting is at 10.30am on Tuesday April 9.
Sandra Connelly