Community News

Grafton Senior Citizens – 2018 AGM

Grafton Senior Citizens recently held their AGM, with an attendance of 92, and 18 apologies. President, Charlie, gave his report, mentioning good job by committee, and to all for acceptance of move. Secretary, Brian, put out a copy of minutes of last AGM and Treasurer, Brian, read a statement of group’s financial position (which is quite healthy). Sandra read a report on trips, and publicity for the year. A seven day tour to Brisbane area, a two day tour to Newcastle area for Daniel O’Donnell show, and five day trips during year have all been successful. One extended tour, and six day trips are planned for this year. Sandra thanked all for their help and support of trips, including coach captains. Publicity reports have been done for each meeting, trip, and special function, and have been sent to the Daily Examiner, CV Independent, Coastal Views, Seniors Revolution, & North Coast Seniors, as well as updates at seniors room, and mentions at meetings, and on bus trips. Wednesday carpet bowls group is still successfully run by a sub – committee, ensuring its continuation. All groups would welcome more participants at their activities, with hoi and housie desperate for an increase in numbers. All positions were then declared vacant, and Trustee, Steve Donnelly, conducted elections for new committee, with following being elected: President – Charlie Doggett; Vice President – Alwyn Campbell; Treasurer – Brian Hall; Assistant Treasurer – Casual vacancy, but Alwyn will act; Tour Organisor & Publicity Officer – Sandra Connelly; Committee – Barbara Fraser, Kay Whiteman, Ann Moran, Gloria Watters, Nina De Amyand, Robyn Worrell, Betty Doggett, Barbara Sanders, Jill Campbell, Alan Rediger, Annette Douglas. Brian has agreed to fill the Secretary position until someone else steps up, and the Assistant Secretary work will be handled by anyone available. Patron, Trustees, Hon Solicitor will be resolved at next committee meeting. Members are reminded of future bus trips as follows: Bellingen / Dorrigo – Friday February 23; Thursday Plantation, Ballina – Friday April 6; eight day tour to Mudgee area from Friday September 14. Also, open day, Thursday April 12, during Senior Citizens Week, where prospective new members can visit room, view activities, and complete a membership application form. Members are also reminded that annual fees, now $10, are now due and new members will be most welcome. Sincere thanks to hard working committee, who served biscuits, fruit loaf and slices at conclusion of meeting. Next general meeting is 10.30am, Tuesday March 13. Sandra Connelly